How to Treat Soft Tissue Head Injuries
Spend a set amount of time each day on strengthening weakened skills. Use physical therapy, board games and multiple choice questions to help bring back physical abilities, cognitive reasoning and memory skills.
Learn new ways to compensate for skills that are not retrievable, either temporarily or permanently. Compensation tactics may include modifying the home environment to accommodate physical limitations, placing note boards around the home to write reminders of daily schedules and needed tasks, or reducing the number of tasks to be completed each day so that success can be attained.
Join support groups that encourage positive outlooks, healthy attitudes and striving to improve while at the same time accepting limitations.
Keep all follow up doctor appointments. Bring a friend or family member with you who can write down the answers to your questions so you can review them after you leave.
Continue taking all prescribed medications as ordered by your doctor. If you want to discontinue any of the medications, make an appointment with the doctor to find out what the risks are by doing so. Follow the doctor's instructions with regard to gradually discontinuing or stopping them completely.