List of Moods and Emotions
Anger is usually a healthy human emotion. If, however, it turns destructive or gets out of control, problems can occur. The intensity of anger can vary from being mildly irritated to rage or fury. Anger can be the result of an internal event (personal problems) or external event (a traffic jam). Body language and facial expressions are used to express anger. A frown is normally the most noticeable facial expression, when a person is angry. Long-term anger will cause an increase in your blood pressure and heart rate and also cause stress. Unexpressed anger that is turned inward, can lead to depression or other serious emotional problems.
Happiness is an emotional feeling or state of mind characterized by love, pleasure, satisfaction or great delight as a result of something satisfying or extremely good. Happiness can be the result of elation and positive emotion that gives a good feeling, usually displayed internally and externally. Happiness can also be the result of a positive or good experience or occasion, such as the feeling of a bride on her wedding day or a mother on the day her child is born. It can be thought of as living a good life or prospering or flourishing, rather than an emotional experience. Whatever definition or expression that is used to describe happiness almost always includes a smile.
While most people want to be happy all the time, certain situations unfortunately may cause feelings of sadness. Sadness can be classified as an emotional response to a mood of depression or feeling down. It can be the result of grief following the loss of a loved one or the break-up of a meaningful relationship. Sadness may be caused by environmental changes, psychological issues and other unexpected occurrences beyond anyone's control. A feeling of sadness can change the outlook of a situation or circumstance and result in the display of a negative action or reaction.