Alcohol & Serotonin
Alcohol Consumption
Drinking alcohol in moderation (at most two drinks a day for a male and one drink for a female) can actually provide health benefits. Drinking anymore is considered drinking in excess. Excess drinking can lead to alcohol addiction (person becomes dependent on alcohol in everyday life).
Role of Serotonin
Serotonin affects tasks like learning, memory, and mood. High serotonin levels helps to make a person feel good.
The Connection
An excess amount of alcohol interferes with the body's production of amino acid tryptophan. Amino acid tryptophan is required for the production of serotonin.
A lack of serotonin is associated with depression. However, due to the inability to study the living brain no declaration can be made if the low levels of serotonin cause depression or if the depression causes the lower levels of serotonin.
Dr. David M. Lovinger of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine has linked low levels of serotonin to the development of alcohol addiction.