What Are the Symptoms of Stage 4 Brain Cancer?
There are two types of brain cancers. One consists of cancerous cells forming in the brain and the other is cancer cells spreading to other parts of the body. If cancer originates in another part of the body and spreads to the brain, this is extremely dangerous. Once cancer affects the brain, the chances of survival are very slim.
There are four different stages to brain cancer. Stage 1 brain cancer is small and localized and most of the time can be treated with chemotherapy. Stage 2 and 3 brain cancer is advanced locally and has affected some lymph nodes. Stage 4 is assigned to a person when the brain cancer has spread and the cells keep multiplying. The severity of this cancer is determined by the stage. The different stages are used to determine what kind of treatment option should be taken, if any.
Signs can be hard to detect. One of the most common signs with all different types of brain cancer is a headache. With brain cancer headaches are worse in the morning and get better as the day goes on. Some might even vomit and then feel much better. They tend to get worse as the cancer grows and worsen.
Stage four brain cancer often causes seizures. This happens when am abnormal electrical impulse is sent to the brain causing a seizure. The signs someone is having one is twitching or convulsions, and loss of bowel and urine control. This should never be left untreated and she be reported to your primary care physician immediately.
Other Symptoms
Besides headaches and seizures, which are the two most common symptoms once someone is entering stage 4 brain cancer, is abnormal vision changes. Another symptom is changes in emotional capacity, which can gradually get worse as the cancer progresses. Difficulty with speech which is caused by the tumor growing and causing the brain and area around it to swell is another one. Also changes in concentration or alertness are experienced. If experiencing these symptoms contact your primary care physician.
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