Degenerative Discs and Neck & Back Pain
The disc is a spongy pad between the vertebrae in the spine. It comprises of an elastic outer covering and a jelly-like core. Degenerative disc disease is when the elastic covering loses its flexibility due to a gradual loss of nutrients and moisture over time, and the inner core protrudes out. The result is what is known as a herniated disc.
Neck Pain
The part of the spine that makes up the neck is known as the cervical spine. When a herniated disc occurs in the cervical spine the resulting protrusion can put pressure on the surrounding nerves and cause pain in the neck and upper shoulder.
Back Pain
A herniated disc in lower regions of the spine known as the lumbar and thoracic regions, can radiate pain down the legs or out the arms. The pain originates in the back; however, in some cases, the pain in the back is considered minimal to the pain created in the extremities.
When a disc ruptures due to a degenerated disc, the inner core releases a protein into the nerves surrounding the spine. According to Dr. Peter F. Ullrich on, this protein aggravates the nerves in the back or the neck and causes pain.
The sciatic nerve runs from the middle of the lower back and down both legs. A disc that is herniated due to a degenerated condition will sometimes put pressure on the sciatic nerve causing a condition known as sciatica. Sciatica pain is found in the lower back and radiating down one leg.