Malignant Brain Tumor Types
Gliomas occur in the glial cells, which protect critical areas of the brain. They are the most common brain tumors, making up 42% of adult brain tumors, according to the MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Meningiomas affect the meninges, the protective layer covering the brain and spine. Women are twice as likely as men to get these tumors, according to MD Anderson.
Acoustic Neuromas
Acoustic neuromas grow in tissue surrounding the eighth cranial nerve, which controls hearing. Symptoms of these tumors include buzzing in the ears and balance problems.
Medulloblastomas are brain tumors common in children. They grow in the cerebellum, and may be caused by fetal cells in the brain after birth, according to the MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Metastic Brain Tumors
Metatastic brain tumors start as tumors in other parts of the body. They are also referred to as "secondary tumors," according to the National Brain Tumor Society.