Exercises for Trunk Muscles for a Cerebral Palsy Child
Rotation Exercises
Encourage your child with cerebral palsy to rotate his trunk muscles. Have the child stand, facing forward, with both hands on a bar or a ball. Then have him slowly rotate his trunk to one side and then the other, without removing his hands from the object. This works the abdominal muscles on both sides, which helps strengthen the trunk as a whole.
Supine Exercises
When a child with cerebral palsy is lying on her back, it may be difficult for her to lift her legs into the air because of weakened abdominal muscles. Lifting her legs in this manner, however, can strengthen those muscles and exercise her trunk. Have the child lie in a supine position and gently lift her legs carefully above the ground. Do not force her legs to rise above what is comfortable for her, and allow her to rest when she begins to tire.
Bar Exercises
A fun way to help younger kids with cerebral palsy involves the use of a swinging bar. Lower the child so that his trunk is folded over the swinging bar. At first, you may want to push him back and forth to show him how fun it can be. Eventually, put large objects beneath him and encourage him to move his legs in order to kick the objects or knock them over. This strengthens his trunk muscles along with exercising his legs.