Head Injury Condition and Symptoms
Minor head injuries can be identified via such symptoms as a headache, irritability and brief loss of consciousness. A major head injury may feature long periods of unconsciousness or drowsiness, as well as blood or fluids draining from the ears, nose or both.
Some common long-term effects or prolonged symptoms that may occur following a head injury include seizures, mood swings, insomnia, memory loss and difficulty with coordination.
Be aware that both minor and major head injuries may share similar symptoms, such as confusion, vomiting, nausea and lightheadedness.
Physical symptoms may occur as the result of a head injury such as a sizeable bump on the head or bleeding from the point of impact.
Treatment for head injuries may require anything from dressing wounds to draining the brain of excess fluids. Seek medical attention right away should you experience any of these symptoms as they may indicate a more serious brain injury.