Prognosis of Complex Partial Seizures

Complex partial seizures are a type of epileptic seizures that take place in one section of the brain. However, even in spite of being diagnosed with these seizures, the person who suffers from them can continue to lead an active and reasonably healthy life that still allows them to do many of the things that they love doing.
    • The brain

    Complex Partial Seizures

    • Complex partial seizures are epileptic seizures which take place in just one part of the brain. Most of them start in the temporal lobe of the brain, but some have been known to start in the frontal lobe.


    • They usually last between 30 seconds and two minutes in length. The person who suffers from them is usually confused or disoriented in the moments immediately preceding a complex partial seizure and afterward as well.

    Symptoms of a Complex Partial Seizure

    • They may stare out into space as they are having this seizure, and they will be wholly unresponsive to such things as having their name called or being touched. They are also unable to speak coherently or normally, although they may attempt to form words.


    • Some people have reported that they have experienced intense feelings of deja vu, or intense familiarity regarding the place they are currently in. They may also have unusual thoughts and abnormal feelings that do not fit the situation that they are in---for instance, intense fear at a time when no fear should be felt.


    • Provided that it is controlled by frequent doctor visits and medication where needed, people who suffer from complex partial seizures can continue to lead reasonably normal lives.

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