Discharge Planning for Febrile Convulsion
Understanding Febrile Convulsions
Febrile convulsions, or febrile seizures, are convulsions that occur in babies and children with higher temperatures. Most febrile seizures are not serious, though they are quite frightening for parents to watch their child experience. A febrile convulsion might be brought on by a cold, an ear infection, or from a more serious infection, such as meningitis or pneumonia. In other cases, just the presence of a high fever is enough to trigger a febrile convulsion.
According to Patient UK, 3 in 100 children will experience a febrile seizure before their sixth birthday. Most convulsions will take place between 18 months and three years of age, and rarely occur in children less than six months or more than six years of age.
Types of Febrile Seizures
There are three types of febrile seizures. The most common is the Simple Febrile Seizure. During this type of seizure a child may appear dazed, and then become unconscious. He will typically be hot and flushed, his eyes may roll back in his head, and his body may stiffen and convulse for anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. After the seizure the child may be sleepy, but within the hour she will usually look and feel better as her temperature comes down.
A Complex Febrile Seizure is much like a Simple Febrile Seizure, except that it lasts longer, may recur within 24 hours, and the child may not be fully recovered within an hour. Also, this type of seizure causes focal, or partial, shaking of the body, such as a general twitch or shake that is only in one leg or one arm.
Febrile Status Epilepticus seizures are the least common, occurring in less than 1 in 20 children. This type of seizure lasts longer than 30 minutes.
In most cases, a febrile seizure will only happen once. But 3 out of 10 children may experience a second seizure during a future fever-triggering illness. However, less than 1 in 10 children will experience three or more future febrile seizures.
Post-Discharge Planning
While most febrile seizures will not occur again, it's still a smart idea to come up with a discharge plan, just in case your child has another seizure. It's important to understand the different types of febrile seizures, and what you can expect your child to go through both during and after one.
Children who are feverish due to an illness should be keep cool and comfortable. While there is no scientific evidence proving that lowering a child's body temperature will prevent febrile seizures from happening, you should still do what you can to keep your child comfortable. An ill child should be dressed lightly, and given ibuprofen or a suitable child's fever reducer to help bring down a fever. Plenty of cool beverages should be provided. Water is the best choice, but electrolyte-replenishing drinks are also appropriate.
If your child experiences another febrile seizure, the first thing you should do is lay your child on her left side with her head in line with her body. This will prevent her from choking, should she vomit. Do not put anything in her mouth, and do not attempt to shake her.
Note the time the seizure started, and when it stopped. As soon as it stops, lower her body temperature by removing clothing, turning on a fan, etc. Once she seems to have recovered enough to be alert and coherent, give her something to drink and a fever reducer.
If the seizure does not stop within a few minutes, your child does not improve quickly after it is over, another seizure starts soon after the first one ends, or your child is having difficulty breathing or does not regain consciousness within an hour, you should seek immediate medical attention. Otherwise, help your child get comfortable, and then have her evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible.