How to Recognize The Symptoms Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Watch for numbness, tingling or burning symptoms that particularly involve the feet and thighs. Recognizing the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency early can help to prevent permanent damage to the nervous system.
Monitor for personality and psychiatric changes. The psychiatric symptoms associated with vitamin B12 deficiency can be as mild as irritability and anxiety or as extreme as depression, mania and psychosis.
Scan your skin regularly for unusual changes suggestive for vitamin B12 deficiency including areas of white discoloration on the extremities or raw sores at the angles of the mouth.
Be alert for changes in headache character. The headache symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can mimic common migraine headaches. It's common to have nausea or temporary visual impairment with headaches associated with vitamin B12 deficiency.
Observe for signs of memory problems. Gradual cognitive impairment, memory deficits and poor concentration can be inconspicuous but highly suggestive of vitamin B12 deficiency. It's especially important to recognize the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in the elderly since they can mimic early Alzheimer's disease.
Stay vigilant for subtle symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency such as fatigue, insomnia, anorexia, and shortness of breath. These symptoms are all common and nonspecific but can indicate an early vitamin B12 deficiency.
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