Relief From Ringing in Ears
Natural Therapy/Remedies
There are a number of different alternative or natural cures for tinnitus. These include acupuncture, magnet therapy, biofeedback, oxygen and hypnosis. Acupuncture involves using needles at specific pressure points. Magnet therapy involves wearing magnets to interrupt and alter the body's energy. Biofeedback involves learning how to control your bodies stress response. Each of these therapies is designed to cope with stress-related tinnitus or ringing in the ears that is brought on by stress. They can also help with persistent and chronic tinnitus that has no medical cause (such as hearing loss).
Hearing Loss & Tinnitus
Occasionally, if you lose your hearing at a certain frequency level, tinnitus can occur because there are no longer ambient sounds to drown out the ringing in the ears. For this type of of tinnitus, the best treatments involve either a hearing aid or a cochlear implant. Cochlear implants destroy any remaining healthy cochlea so should only be used when hearing loss is almost partial. Both hearing aids and cochlear implants can help cure tinnitus by restoring hearing at the frequency where the tinnitus is occurring. The electronic receptors in cochlear implants may also help by interrupting the electric impulses of the body that are contributing to tinnitus.
Supplements & Drugs
There are currently no FDA approved drugs specifically designed to treat tinnitus. Certain antidepressant medications or anti-anxiety medications, including Xanax and notriptyline, have had limited success in managing tinnitus. Over-the-counter anesthetics and antihistamines have also helped some patients. Finally, taking vitamin supplements like Gingko Baloba, magnesium, and zinc, may help bring relief from persistent ringing in the ears.