How to Improve Memory Performance and Brain Function
Whether it's from aging, a change in hormones, being overloaded by tasks or related to other conditions, many of us tend to notice times when our memory performance is not as strong as we would like it to be. Maybe you would like to be able to improve brain function in order to reduce further decline later, reduce the risk of Alzheimers or maybe you are now experiencing times where you are recognizing the need to improve memory performance.Having and keeping a strong memory is a good for our emotional well-being, as having difficulties with our memory tends to increase our stress and frustration levels. To increase brain function, try these natural ways to improve memory performance.
Take a walk, or other cardio to increase blood flow which improves brain function for 30 minutes at least five days a week. Something that has really been helping me is to do stretches first thing in the morning while still sitting in bed, then sitting on the edge of the bed and lifting my knees to my chest several times, then immediately getting in some cardio or walking time for 15-20 minutes. Starting my day this way, immediately gets the blood circulating, lifts that morning brain fog feeling, lifts my mood, and boosts my energy for a great start with my day.Exercise is a great way to get oxygen to the brain; while you're exercising and even when you're not exercising, watch your breathing patterns. Be sure to take full, deep breaths in that fill your abdomen to increase oxygen and blood flow that stimulates brain function. Also engage in meditation, Yoga, Tai chi or Qi gong breathing and movement exercises.
The brain is like a muscle; if you don't use it, it will weaken over time and decrease memory function. Exercise your brain by memorizing a new song, poem or passage.Reconnect to past memories, people and events as the effort to remember these things will strengthen your memory performance.
Read often, do math, and do puzzles such as crosswords and sudoku, work with a rubik's cube, and regular, 3-D and wood puzzles as a way to increase brain function and improve memory.
Take mental pictures of things such as where you set down your keys, eye glasses, park your car, etc. Another approach is to recite to yourself a reminder of the details surrounding these things to improve memory performance.
Try using hand tasks to improve your brain function; such as using your opposing, non-dominant hand for daily tasks.Do tasks that involve using your fingers, such as crafts, sewing, painting, finger string games, building models, putting together puzzles; anything that primarily involves finger movements to accomplish the task will increase your brain memory.
Eat memory boosting foods which include sweet potatoes, squash, broccoli, okra, brussels sprouts, spinach, carrots, cabbage, soybeans, black beans, kidney beans, nuts, seed, oranges, apricots and berries. Green tea is also known to fend off Alzheimers and improve brain function.Use herbs such as sage, mugwort, rosemary, gingko, ginseng, brahmi, and goto kola to improve memory performance.
Supplements, such as L-Acetylcarnitine, L-Carnitine, L-theanine, L-glutamine, Vitamin E, Omega 3, and Thiamine/Vitamin B-1 are also beneficial to improving brain memory.
The chemicals in containers that are made with aluminum, plastics, and teflon are believed to have a negative affect on memory performance as well as your health. Learn about the containers you eat and drink from and potential hazards that may arise from them. Then find out how to lower their harm and what containers you can use that are toxic-free (such as glass, bamboo and stainless steel) in order to keep your memory strong and your body healthy.Pesticides and items containing formaldehyde found in solvents, mattresses, tobacco smoke, foam insulation, particle board, and auto exhaust are also believed to have a negative affect on brain function and health.