Cures for Ringing in Ears

Ringing in the ears can be persistent or chronic. The medical term for this ringing, which occurs without external stimuli, is called tinnitus. Tinnitus can be cured or managed by a number of different techniques, including techniques designed to replace the sound with another, or alternative therapies to learn to manage stress and help the body avoid conditions that cause the ringing to occur.
  1. Hearing Aids

    • According to the American Tinnitus Association, some tinnitus is caused by hearing loss at a specific frequency that is replaced by ringing at that frequency. The American Tinnitus Association states that wearing a hearing aid can cure the ringing in the ear by allowing your ears to once again hear external sounds at that frequency. These external sounds or ambient sounds can then drown out the ringing.

    Cochlear Implants

    • Cochlear implants involve attaching an electrode array within the cochlea. A receiver is also implanted in the skin behind the ear. The receiver hears sounds, which stimulate the electrodes. The electrodes then send a signal to the brain, which normally the ear would send. Cochlear implants are appropriate only in patients who are nearly totally deaf in the ear when installed because they destroy any remaining ability for the cochlea cells to function normally. However, for patients who are experiencing ringing in their ears related to hearing loss, cochlear implants can provide significant relief. The implants provide relief not only by replacing the ringing with ambient sound, but because the electrodes themselves may interrupt the ringing from occurring by altering the energy in the ear.

    Drug Therapies

    • Although the American Tinnitus Association states that there is no drug on the market designed for treating ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, there are certain drugs that have been used successfully in treating the ringing and relieving tinnitus symptoms. The ATA reports that patients have had success with various antidepressants and/or anti-anxiety medications. Specifically, Xanax and notriptyline have been useful in managing tinnitus and relieving ringing in the ears. Anticonvulsants, anesthetics and antihistamines have proven useful as well.

    Alternative Treatments

    • Alternative medicine and vitamin supplements may provide long-term and short-term relief for ear ringing. Acupuncture, which manipulates pressure points on the body to free electromagnet waves within the body to heal, has been successful. Magnet therapy, which involves adjusting the body's electromagnetic energy by wearing magnets, may also provide relief from ear ringing. Oxygen and hypnosis can also help with persistent ringing in the ears associated with tinnitus. Finally, gingko biloba, vitamin B supplements and magnesium zinc supplements can reduce the persistence of chronic ear ringing. Although the ATA states that these medicines may be helpful, they also state that only anecdotal evidence exists to prove the effectiveness of these treatments.

    Bio Feedback

    • Finally, the American Tinnitus Association states that ringing in the ears may be a reaction to stress. As a result, biofeedback may prove useful in relieving or curing ringing in the ears. Biofeedback involves learning to manage stress in a healthy and effective manner that promotes relaxation. Stress management techniques include controlling pulse, muscle tension and skin temperature.

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