How to Perform The Epley Maneuver
Begin by sitting upright in the middle of your bed. Rotate your head horizontally towards the ear causing your symptoms approximately 45 degrees. Maintain this position for one minute.
Keep your head and neck at this 45 degree angle and gently lie down. Maintain this position for one minute. This position will likely provoke either transient dizziness or vertigo.
While still lying flat on your back slowly rotate your head towards your good ear as far as possible or approximately 90 degrees. Maintain this position for one minute. This position may again provoke either transient dizziness or vertigo.
With your head still rotated maximally towards your good ear slowly roll your entire body on to your "good side". Keep your head and neck fixed as much as possible. If done properly you should be able to stare down at the floor. Maintain this position for one minute.
Finally to complete the Epley maneuver return to a sitting position with your head up but flexed forward approximately 45 degrees. Maintain this position for one minute.
Most reference sources state that the Epley maneuver should take five minutes to complete. Three complete cycles should be performed prior to going to bed.
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