Celebral Palsy Treatment
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy for children often involves doing activities that they would do in their daily lives, such as riding a bike, standing on their own, walking and going up and down stairs. Physical therapy for adults involves working against musculoskeletal problems, moving certain muscle groups in the arms, legs and abdomen so that they do not become too weak or deteriorated to work.
Occupational Therapy
For occupational therapy, patients work on smaller muscle groups in the hands, feet, fingers and toes. Physical therapists also help them to work on skills that they need in their everyday lives, such as feeding and dressing themselves, brushing their teeth and writing.
Speech and Language Therapy
During speech and language therapy, patients learn how to control the muscles in their jaw and mouth, which helps them to communicate better. Children often work with physical therapists on improving their speech patterns and talking in full sentences.
Drug Therapy
Drug therapy is often given to patients who have problems with spastic muscles or seizures. They are given injections of drugs such as Botox or phenol or anticonvulsant medications, which help muscles to relax and/or to stop spasming.
Surgery is given to patients that have issues with their spine curvature, irregular growth in their legs and/or muscle spasms. A doctor may operate on muscles, nerves and joints in their legs in order to reduce pain as well as put their arms and legs in a better position for functioning. A physician may also implant a device in the body to provide medication to the spinal cord or nerves, which is meant to help increase muscle tone in the body.