Sciatica Relief Stretches
Extension Exercise
Extension exercises help reduce pain and provide relief by stretching all the lower back and buttocks muscles. This type of exercise is begun with the person lying on their stomach on the floor. However, some individuals suffering from painful flare-ups can't lie in this position. If you can't lie down to complete this exercise, you can do it standing up. Either way, you are cautioned to perform this exercise very slowly and not to bend too far in order to avoid pain. To start, and depending on your condition and the cause of the sciatica, only move in small increments, gradually working your way up to a five- or six-inch range of movement.
Lying on the stomach, arms bent and placed at shoulder level, slowly press upward with your hands, lifting the upper portion of the body while keeping the hips and legs touching the floor. This is similar to the beginning movement of the Cobra in Yoga. Keep your lower body relaxed as you hold this position for a second or two. Only lift upward a small distance (even an inch or two) to start.
You can perform the same move standing up by placing your hands on your hips and then very slowly leaning or arching backward two to three inches to start. Don't try to lean too far backward! You can perform this exercise three to five times to start.
Low Back Exercise
A strong back encourages strong abs, which help center the core of the body over the trunk. Good posture often enhances relief of sciatica episodes. A great low back extension exercise is to lie on your stomach on the floor, hands placed on top of your lower back. This is similar to the Superman pose, and is achieved as you slowly raise your head and shoulders off the floor. Keep your gaze on the floor, focusing on something about a foot ahead of you. Your lower abdominal muscles should be tucked in toward your spine, and your hips and feet relaxed against the floor. Keep the movement small to start, about three inches, hold the position for a count of five and then slowly lower the head and shoulders to the floor. Repeat this exercise between five and ten times.
Toe Touch Stretch
Many physicians suggest static stretches to help relieve the pain of sciatica. One of the best is to use gravity to help stretch the lower back muscles. Standing with your feet together, facing forward, slowly bend forward, reaching toward the floor with your hands. You may not be able to reach all the way to the floor. You may reach for your knees, shins or feet. Don't push it, but go as far as you can comfortably. Hold the position for several seconds, breathing slowly and deeply. Slowly bring your body back up, rolling the spine, one vertebrae at a time, until you return to the starting position. You can perform this exercise two to three times, increasing as you get stronger and more flexible.