Symptoms of Pudendal Nerve Entrapment
Pudendal nerve entrapment, also known as PNE, occurs when the pelvic area's pudendal nerve is compressed by or between the pelvis's various ligaments, muscles, or bone canals. The condition can occur in both men and women and, though it is extremely rare, cyclists who regularly ride for long distances over a period of years. Physical therapy, corticosteroid treatment, and surgery are all viable methods of treating the condition.
Pudendal nerve entrapment can be caused by trauma to the pelvic area, defects present at birth, pregnancy, pelvic tumors, scarring that occurred following pelvic surgery, or prolonged and regular bicycle riding over a a period of months and/or years.
Characteristic Symptoms
While individuals afflicted with pudendal nerve entrapment may experience a wide variety of symptoms, the most characteristic symptom of the condition is that all other symptoms increase in severity and intensity when the individual is in a sitting position. The symptoms decrease when the person is standing up or lying down.
Neurological Symptoms
Pudendal nerve entrapment sufferers generally experience severe neurological symptoms. These can include pain that is sharp, burning, stabbing, or aching; a prickling or numb sensation; and increased sensitivity to pain in the genital region.
Urinary Symptoms
Urinary symptoms include disruptions in normal urinary and bowel habits, such as difficulty urinating, constipation, incontinence, or pain while emptying the bowels. Also, there could be a sensation that there is an object lodged in the rectum or vagina. These symptoms are often accompanied by sexual problems, including painful intercourse, impotence, and genital numbness.