How to treat a Compressed/Pinched Nerve
Things You'll Need
- Ice
- OTC pain medication
- Heat (moist heat preferred)
- Time
A pinched or compressed Nerve occurs when too much pressure is put onto that nerve. Risk factors include Poor Posture, Overuse, Obesity and Heredity. To help prevent a compressed/pinched nerve stay at a healthy weight, keep good posture and take frequent breaks from repetitive motions.
If you have developed a pinched/compressed Nerve you can try some stretches to help take the pressure off of the nerve. Use this in coordination with a OTC pain medication. Most of the time compressed/pinched nerves correct themselves with plenty of rest and time. Take it easy for a while and if you must do repetitive motions take those frequent breaks.
Use of ice and heat are also recommended. Take an ice pack and hold it to the pinch/ compressed Nerve for about 20 minutes and then alternate to a warm, moist towel. Do this for a couple of hours and the pain should subside. These techniques both increase the circulation to the area which speeds the healing process. Ice is also useful for anti inflammation techniques.
If a pinched/ compressed Nerve resists your attempts to get rid of it for a few days, it is time to give up and see a doctor. Doctors can prescribe more intensive physical therapy than stretching as well as injections for the pain.