What Is the Meaning of Dementia?
The Facts
Most people who suffer from dementia are usually over the age of 65. Dementia is not a normal stage in aging. Younger people may be diagnosed with dementia, sometimes as a result of an injury or disease that affects the functioning of the brain.
Dementia is caused by the death of brain cells. These cells can be destroyed by brain disease or stroke, which is the lack of blood flow to the brain. Other causes include AIDS, high fever, dehydration, Lyme disease and vitamin deficiency. Additional causes include head injury, brain tumors, reaction to medications or long term drug and alcohol abuse.
Dementia symptoms build up over a number of years. It usually starts out as simple forgetfulness and eventually turns into the inability to remember routine tasks, people and places. Symptoms also include difficulty in speaking, and thinking abstractly. Other symptoms are poor hygiene, trouble sleeping and the appearance of poor judgment. A person suffering from dementia will exhibit extreme confusion and anxiety at times. Sudden personality changes will appear as the person lashes out because of frustration. Dementia is also accompanied by depression and delirium.
In order to determine if a person is suffering from dementia there are several factors a doctor must consider. First is a look at the patient's medical history. This gives the doctor a baseline to compare the unusual symptoms with. Next is a complete physical and neurological exam. The patient's behavior needs to be documented. The patient is also given a series of mental tests. These tests are easy for someone not suffering from dementia. They include word recall, naming of objects, event recall and even naming the date.
Some dementia caused by vitamin deficiency, dehydration or high fever can be cleared up as soon as the cause is remedied. Unfortunately, the ongoing and incurable causes of dementia create a chronic condition. Sometimes medications help with the symptoms of dementia. Cholinesterase inhibitors were developed to treat Alzheimer's disease and can produce improvements in dementia patients. Antipsychotic medications are sometimes used for treatment, but they cause unwanted side effects. Non-medication treatments include physical, speech and occupational therapy. Family psychotherapy and support groups provide caregivers with strategies for coping with a person with dementia.