How to Naturally Boost Memory
Lifestyle Changes
All the basic health advice you hear again and again applies to improving your memory. This advice includes getting at least seven or eight hours of sleep each night, fitting relaxation time into your schedule, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, avoiding overly sugary, fatty or processed foods and avoiding addictive or illegal drugs. While excessive amounts of alcohol have a negative effect on memory, one or two drinks per day may actually improve it, suggests a five-year study which began in 2002 and was conducted by Dr. Graham McDougall of the University of Texas at Austin. However, speak with your physician about the safety of moderate alcohol consumption for your condition.
Brain-Boosting Foods
While a diet that includes a generous amount of fruits and vegetables is advised for those wanting to improve their memory, you may achieve more benefit by making a conscious effort to eat foods that have been specifically singled out by researchers as foods that improve brain function and memory. Some of these foods are strawberries, blueberries, fish and leafy greens such as spinach.
Use Your Brain
Think of your memory as a muscle that must be exercised often in order to stay in top condition. Using your brain every day will help keep it and your memory sharp. Don't worry -- you don't have to take up calculus or chemistry. Simply participating in activities you find enjoyable or interesting will do the trick, although doing new and/or at least somewhat challenging activities offers the most benefit. Play bridge, poker, dominoes or some other brain-engaging card game or board game. Work a crossword puzzle, take an art class, read a good book, debate politics or public education policies with a friend or neighbor, study a new language, take a trip or learn a new cooking technique. Activities such as these engage your brain and boost its function.
Use Your Body
Staying physically active also helps improve brain function, so get up and get moving every day. The physical activity needed to boost memory function does not have to be strenuous. Taking a walk, playing horseshoes, gardening, riding a bike or dancing all qualify. Of course, if you are up for some more strenuous physical activity, have at it, as it is all beneficial to your brain as well as your body.
Simple Tricks
In addition to taking good care of yourself, getting in the habit of using memory tricks can have an immediate effect in boosting your memory. Teach yourself to be fully aware of each and every minute of your day, especially when you are meeting new people or learning new things you'd like to remember. Use all of your senses. Notice the sounds, smells and sights around you. Write down things you'd like to remember. Not only can you refer to the notes to jog your memory, but writing the words and seeing them in print will help you remember them, also.
Make associations to help you remember facts, names and people. For example, if you meet a woman named Beatrice who has blond hair and works at the library, you may better remember her if you associate her with the letter B, as in "blond Beatrice loves books."
The use of mnemonic devices helps, also. For example, a common mnemonic device which helps music students remember the notes of the treble clef is "Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge," which stands for the notes E, G, B, D and F.
Herbs, Vitamins and Other Natural Supplements
While it is widely accepted that a variety of vitamins is essential for optimum brain function, research is mixed as to whether or not herbal supplements have a positive influence. Some herbs, enzymes and substances that are promoted as memory boosters include ginkgo biloba, ginseng, phosphatidylserine, choline and huperzine A. Talk to your physician about the validity, safety and dosage of these supplements as memory boosters.