What Are the Signs & Symptoms of a Blood Clot in the Brain?
Cerebral thrombosis (brain clot) is the most common cause of strokes. It often occurs when blood pressure is low. Many times it happens at night or first thing in the morning, because blood pressure is usually lower then.
Clots vs. Strokes
Symptoms of clots are similar to symptoms of strokes. Often there are no symptoms until the time of the stroke, or "brain attack." One symptom that may occur prior to a stroke is a headache that does not go away or is more severe than any you've had in the past.
Other Symptoms
The symptoms of blood clots in the brain include headaches and dizziness. These may be accompanied by vision changes. There may be speech changes or even difficulty speaking. Paralysis of some part of the body may also be a sign of a clot or stroke. Difficulty walking even if there is not paralysis may be noted.
Transient Ischemic Attacks
Sometimes these symptoms are experienced for a very short time, possibly just a few minutes. This could signify what is called a transient ischemic attack (TIA). It is a "mini-stroke" that may lead to a full blown stroke. Therefore, even if the symptoms quickly dissipate, an individual with these symptoms should receive immediate medical attention.
Since blood clots block the flow of blood and can cause strokes when in the brain, they are very dangerous. The problem is that cells die quickly without blood to the brain, which is how permanent damage can occur. The sooner treatment occurs, the less chance of long-term permanent disability due to brain-cell death.
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