What Are the Causes of Bi-Polar Affective Disorder?
Causes of Bipolar Affective Disorder
Biochemical causes--changes or an imbalance of the neurotransmitters of the brain--can cause bipolar disorder. These chemicals are responsible for regulating mood, so as they tip the scales in one way or another, the mood goes from very happy to very sad or vice versa. It is impossible for the person to get and stay on an even keel and have feelings that are not extreme. Hormones are also thought to play a part.
Family History
If you have a family history of bipolar disorder, you may have a chemical imbalance caused by genetics. The chances are greater for related people to be affected than non-related people, although there are instances where one twin has bipolar disorder and the other is not affected. The patient should be sure to tell a physician that she has a relative how has Bipolar affective disorder.
Environmental Factors
Environmental factors, such as stress, significant loss and issues with self-esteem seem to play some role in causing bipolar disorder, although how is not known. Environmental triggers tend to be worse if they cause sudden change in the person's life--either good or bad.
How Bipolar Disorder Manifests Itself
Bipolar affective disorder is characterized by huge swings between deep depression and euphoric manic episodes. The disorder is thought to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the neurotransmitters in the brain. The chemicals, for whatever reason, when imbalanced can cause severe depressions. Then, suddenly, the person switches from the depressive mood to a highly euphoric "10 feet tall and bullet-proof" frame of mind. Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed many times before the correct diagnosis is found. Many people suffer with these huge uncontrollable mood swings for years before they finally get the right diagnosis and can be treated properly. Thankfully, many doctors are now aware of the prevalence of this disorder, and the correct diagnosis now happens sooner rather than later. Depression means different things to different people. Some people have mild depression and may not even require medication; then there are those for whom it is severe enough to require proper antidepressants to treat their chemical imbalance. A person with bipolar disorder experiences extremely low depressions that include loss or gain of significant weight, loss of interest in things that once gave great pleasure, sleeping too much, sadness and empty feelings, feeling worthless, inability to concentrate and suicidal thoughts. The manic side of bipolar disorder manifests itself in ways that make the person extremely talkative--usually very fast-talking and sometimes loud. Symptoms also can include an extreme amount of energy, requiring very little sleep, possible increased sex drive, out-of-control spending, a belief that he or she has supernatural powers or special abilities and thoughts that go through their brains in rapid time, making it extremely difficult for the person to concentrate. In a manic episode, the person might have so much energy that he jumps into a project but can't stay with it, because he can't concentrate, and so he quits and jumps right into another project.
Treatment for bipolar affective disorder begins with the correct diagnosis. Usually the patient undergoes psychotherapy to help her understand what is going on, and there are several medications that a person with bipolar disorder can take, depending on the severity of the individual's symptoms. Some of the medications that could be considered are: Seroquel, Abilify, Risperdal, Topomax, Lamictal, Zyprexa, Paxil CR, Geodon Oral and Depakote. These are all available only by prescription.
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