What is Dmae Bitartrate?
A Replacement for Naturally Occuring Choline
DMAE bitartrate is a man-made liquid or pill with similarities to choline. To understand DMAE, one must first understand choline. Choline is grouped within the B-vitamin category, though not officially considered a vitamin in its own right. It has several key functions including protecting the liver from accumulating fat, and functioning as a precursor molecule for a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Fetuses and infants have a great need for choline for successful early growth stages. Mother's milk has an extremely high concentration of choline.Choline began to get scientists' interest after studies showed rats with reduced choline in their diet yielded offspring with poor memories and reduced neural development. Several studies have shown that choline may be able to aid in preventing memory loss due to aging
Nearly 60 Years, Data Inconclusive
DMAE bitartrate generally comes in 350mg capsules (containing 130mg of actual DMAE) or liquid form with 35mg of per drop. Various studies have been done with DMAE since the 1950s. Three of the main targets researchers have studied are memory deficits, autism and dementia.
In 1979, a study was done with 21 patients being tested for extreme memory deficits. Participants were given 900mg of DMAE per day for 21 days. Neuropsychological testing did not show any significant difference before or after treatment. (Marsh, 1979).
In 1988, the Institute for Child Behavior in San Diego handed out four thousand surveys to parents of autistic children. The children were given a variety of traditional, placebos and new treatments. The best received was a combination of dosage vitamin B-6 and magnesium with a ratio of eight parents reporting behavior improvement to each one reporting worsening of conditions. DMAE was the second most highly rated supplement, with a ratio of two cases of improvement to one worsening. (Rimland, 1988).
In 1977, a study was done among outpatients suffering from dementia. DMAE was given to 14 patients at 600mg, three times a day for one month. No side effects were reported. Ten of the subjects reported improvement while four remained unchanged. Benefits reported were lowered anxiety, irritability and depression. One researcher concluded that, while it could not be shown that DMAE improved patients' memory, it could be determined to aid in positive behavioral changes in certain subjects (Ferris, 1977).
Side Effects and Further Study
Other studies have shown side effects with high dosages may include increased stiffness in the shoulder, jaw, and neck; headaches; anxiety and general irritability. For additional studies, see the American Geriatrics Society http://www.americangeriatrics.org/ or the Journal of Child Neurology http://jcn.sagepub.com/
DMAE is sold over the counter with claims of improving memory, alertness and focus, which some studies have supported but not conclusively. Most conservative doctors would recommend DMAE as possibly helpful for elderly patients with slight mental decline to take small doses to improve alertness.