How to Manage Complex Regional Pain Disorder
Things You'll Need
- Hot water bottle or heating pad
Start limiting normal activities that tax the affected limb(s). For instance, if you are a typist and symptoms generally flare in your hands, then use vacation time, sick days or comp time in order to allow your body to recuperate. You need time so that medications can start taking effect.
Start taking an inflammation-reducing medication like Advil or Aleve right away. If your doctor has prescribed prescription medication for the control of your symptoms, then start taking medication as directed without missing doses. The trick is to reduce inflammation and keep it reduced until symptoms subside. The level of pain will be your guide. This might also be an opportune time to start weaning yourself from caffeine. Caffeine has a detrimental effect on Complex Regional Pain Disorder because of its stimulating properties. The trick is to calm or reduce nerve impulses rather than speed them up.
Use a heating pad or hot water bottle to help relieve pain. Exposure to cold can be extremely painful with Complex Regional Pain Disorder due to a lack of circulation to the affected limb(s). Symptom control invariably requires heat. Avoid handling cold grocery items, cold drinks, and exposure to the elements without soft warm gloves. Frequent hot baths and/or running hands under warm water can temporarily relieve pain. Hold a steaming mug of cider or decaffeinated tea in your hands to help improve circulation and reduce pain.
Consider alternative therapies. There are many non-pharmaceutical ways to manage Complex Regional Pain Disorder. Helichrysum, derived from the chrysanthemum flower, is an essential oil that has been touted as an effective remedy for nerve pain. Helichrysum not only works to reduce pain, but it has been proven to actually heal damaged nerve fibers. Essential oil of clove is also helpful and has been used in reducing tooth pain for centuries. Capsain, a derivative of red pepper, is sometimes prescribed for nerve pain, and St. John’s Wort applied as a paste directly to affected limb(s) can also be beneficial in reducing the burning pain of Complex Regional Pain Disorder.
Ask for help from friends, family members and colleagues. Complex Regional Pain Disorder is an extremely excruciating condition that is difficult to treat. Do not be afraid to ask for help doing household chores, opening doors, or any activity that requires strength. If the pain is tolerable, start increasing exercise that will bring circulation back to the affected limbs. Although Complex Regional Pain Disorder is disorder of the sympathetic nervous system, anything that gets blood flowing will be helpful when painful symptoms are partially under control.