How to Spot Symptoms of Acute Cerebellar Ataxia
Spot Symptoms
Spot the most common symptom of acute cerebellar ataxia which is the uncoordinated movements of the trunk and or the limbs of the body. The sudden movement can be startling especially when the condition first betweens to happen. It is important to note that having just this or just several of these symptoms doesn't mean you have the condition.
Notice other common symptoms of acute cerebellar ataxia. Clumsiness is often a problem because of the uncoordinated movements of the body. This also presents itself in the form of difficulty in walking where the individual may feel unsteady.
See symptoms in a patient who is suffering from this condition by monitoring their speech. Slurred speech is often common, with changes evident in the pitch of the voice, the volume and the tone. Also, some patients complain of problems seeing clearly as one of the not as often noticed symptoms of acute cerebellar ataxia is rapid movement of the eyes.
Monitor for other health issues that could correlate with the symptoms of acute cerebellar ataxia including headaches, dizziness, and changes in mood including changes in behavior and personality. The rapid movements may cause an individual to feel sick to the stomach as well, especially when eye movement is chaotic.
Test for the condition through your doctor. Exams including a cerebrospinal fluid test and an MRI or CT Scan are used to determine if the patient has the condition, especially when symptoms are present. Other tests including a metabolic blood test, urine analysis and ultrasound will show proof of the condition.