How to Identify Viral Meningitis
Experiencing a sudden onset fever is one of the first signs of viral meningitis. When contracting a fever, not additional symptoms that may help to determine a cause. With viral infections, symptoms may occur suddenly.
Developing headaches along with fever is also common after exposure to viral meningitis. Some may be quite severe. At this point, many people assume they have contracted the flu or a cold, so it is important to pay attention to what your body is telling you, and to determine between 'normal' and atypical symptoms such as those included below.
Developing pain from a stiff neck that make it extremely difficult to move the head from side to side is a very common side effect produced by viral meningitis. This stiffness in the neck may also be accompanied by general body aches, but in many instances, individuals only complain of the stiff neck.
Contracting viral meningitis may also produce symptoms of extreme sensitivity to light.
Experiencing confusion, drowsiness and ongoing fatigue are also present with those afflicted with viral meningitis. This may or may not be accompanied by irritability and a growing sense of anxiousness.