How to Identify Narcolepsy
Observe your sleep patterns. Do you often wake up several times during the night? Do you frequently suffer from insomnia? People who suffer from narcolepsy may have difficulty falling asleep at night or they may suffer from periods of interrupted sleep.
Examine how sleepy you are during the day. Do you frequently find yourself dozing off during the day? The main characteristic of narcolepsy is excessive sleepiness during the day.
Observe your work routine. Do you often find yourself falling asleep at work? Do you doze off right in the middle of a task? You could suffer from narcolepsy.
Examine your driving habits. Do you often become drowsy while driving? Do you have a hard time keeping yourself awake? Do you search for ways to keep yourself from dozing off such as playing music, rolling down the window for fresh air? Do you have to pull off the road because you're too sleepy to keep going? Narcolepsy can be dangerous when driving. Have someone accompany you when driving and let someone else drive if you feel yourself becoming too sleepy to continue.
Look for symptoms of temporary muscle weakness. Do you experience episodes where you lose control of your muscles momentarily? Are you awakened by your legs jerking during sleep? Muscle weakness and loss of muscle control are both symptoms that often accompany narcolepsy.
Determine whether you have ever had episodes of sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is an episode in which you are awake but are unable to move. Sleep paralysis can be a frightening experience when it first occurs especially when you have no idea what is happening.
Keep track of your nightmares. Do you frequently have nightmares? Do they wake you up and interrupt your sleep? Nightmares are also characteristic of narcolepsy.