How to Deal With Long term Effects of Vertigo
Condition your brain to realize that everything is not spinning and it is only an illusion so to speak. In order to teach your brain this, focus on a stationary object with your eyes open so that everything around you stops spinning. The stationary object will not be spinning, sending a signal to your brain to stop the spinning.
Know that the spinning while lying down is a little more tricky as your vertigo can become worse. Use the same skill as as you would if you were standing. Falling out of bed is a common hazard for sufferers of vertigo as well. When you roll over in bed during the night, you have to condition yourself to roll towards the center of the bed and away from the edges. This may take a couple of weeks of conditioning, and some loss of sleep, but once you have conditioned yourself to do this, you can sleep and the rolling becomes habit.
Learn what your triggers are. In most cases, you can adapt yourself to use these triggers less and less, thereby triggering the dizziness less and less. Example: If one of your triggers is bending down, then you can do less bending by squatting instead. If one of your triggers is watching the credits on a movie pass by at the end, then don't watch the credits at the end of a movie, only the ones in the beginning.
Be aware that dealing with the dizziness can require medication. Consult your doctor and discuss your symptoms and a proper course of action. Taking medications you are unfamiliar with is not recommended because they could have adverse effects on your condition.