How to Reduce Foot Pain From Neuropathy
Determine if there is an underlying cause to the neuropathy symptoms. Diabetes, autoimmune disorders, inherited genetic disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome and exposure to toxins like heavy metals or undergoing treatment for cancer can all cause neuropathy symptoms, especially in the feet. Treating the underlying disease or problem often helps and sometimes cures neuropathy symptoms.
Change your diet and exercise regularly. Quit smoking and avoid alcohol as well to help reduce the foot pain from neuropathy. Poor diet and vitamin deficiency can actually bring on neuropathy, as can poor circulation resulting from smoking and nerve damage and numbness associated with frequent alcohol consumption. Change these factors and you might just rid yourself of foot pain and neuropathy completely.
Seek out a podiatrist or pain management specialist to help treat the painful symptoms of neuropathy. Some medications like prescription pain relievers and antidepressants, as well some anti-seizure medications can help to minimize the painful symptoms of neuropathy. Lidocaine patches and other topical treatments can also help to relieve foot pain associated with neuropathy.
Take good care of your feet. Wear loose-fitting, comfortable socks and sturdy, comfortable shoes of breathable materials that don't pinch or rub and offer heel and arch support. Try insoles and heel supports until you find a shoe that works well for you and helps to reduce foot pain.
Check your feet regularly for small cuts, scrapes and calluses. Often, those with neuropathy in the feet, especially those who also have diabetes, lose feeling in their feet and are not aware of minor cuts and abrasions. These can easily get infected, especially for those with a slowed rate of healing, and can cause major problems if left untreated.
Try acupuncture or magnet therapies, or get regular massages to keep help treat your foot pain. These three therapies do have proven benefits for neuropathy as well as your overall health.