How to Prevent Traumatic Brain Injuries
Protect your head when engaging in various activities such as skiing, skateboarding and bike riding. Always wear a helmet that fits properly. Research indicates people who wear a helmet when bike riding reduce their chances of a traumatic brain injury by eighty-five percent.
Take a break from a crying baby if needed to prevent losing control and shaking the baby. Parenting can be stressful and even the best of parents may feel overwhelmed at times. If you feel you are losing your patience with a crying baby or young child take a time out and step away. Take a few deep breaths and gain control.
Wear your seat belt and be sure young children are buckled in a car seat. Car accidents even at low speeds can cause a traumatic brain injury. Keep in mind children under the age of thirteen should ride in the back seat. If possible drive a car with airbags which can reduce serious injuries in the event of an accident.
Reduce the risk of falls. Fall prevention is especially important for young children and seniors. Install lights near staircases. Keep in mind young children can fall out windows if there are not safety measures. Install bars or locks to prevent children from opening a window. Place bath mats in the bathtub to prevent slipping.
Ensure safe storage of your gun. Keep guns unloaded and ammunition locked and out of reach of children. Learn how to use your gun correctly by taking a handgun safety class. Be sure your gun is unloaded before cleaning it.
Check out the playground your child frequents. Concrete and asphalt are not safe materials to have under play structures. Select playgrounds for your kids that have a material under play structures which will cushion a fall such as sand. Only allow children to play on equipment that is appropriate for their level of development.