How to Care for the Brain
Things You'll Need
- Helmet
Eat a healthy diet. Your brain, like all other organs, lives on what you eat and can be damaged by an unhealthy diet. For instance, a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet can cause clogged arteries, which can cause a stroke.
Exercise to improve the flow of oxygen to your brain. The best activity for your brain is one that combines a physical and mental workout, such as dancing.
Drink alcohol in moderation. Two drinks a day can be good for most adults, but more can deprive the brain of oxygen, causing brain cells to die. New cells can be regrown, but not fast enough to keep up with the effects of regular drinking binges. Long-term alcohol abusers can suffer permanent, debilitating damage.
Wear a helmet during contact sports, bike riding, sparring bouts and other activities where falls or blows to the head can result.
Perform mental exercises such as crossword and Sudoku puzzles, reading or taking up a hobby. Spend time with friends or join a club. Studies have shown that your brain needs regular use to stay sharp as you age.
Keep an eye on drug use. Definitely avoid using illegal drugs, and use prescriptions only as directed. Drugs can alter the chemistry of the brain, making it difficult to stop using them. Be especially careful if you've been prescribed more than one drug.
Quit smoking. Among the many reasons to give up smoking is this: the brains of smokers decline five times faster than those of nonsmokers.