How to Protect Yourself From Meningitis
Things You'll Need
- Vaccinations
- Antimicrobial Soap
- Surgical Masks
Wash your hands frequently, especially if you've been out in public or around people who are ill. Use an anti-microbial soap if you can, and scrub thoroughly.
Evaluate your symptoms, especially if you have a cold or flu, to make sure you aren't developing meningitis. If you have been feeling a bit under the weather, then all of a sudden develop a sudden headache, neck pain or stiffness, a fever, a rash and/or photophobia, call your doctor.
Keep your immune system strong, especially in the winter and spring months when meningitis is most apt to occur. Exercise in moderation. Don't overdo activities out in the cold. If you are going to be huffing and puffing in the cold air, wear a mask to warm the air before it enters your lungs.
Treat earaches. Untreated earaches can develop into meningitis.
Avoid excessive amounts of alcohol. Alcoholics have a higher risk of developing meningitis than do others.
Talk to your doctor about receiving the meningitis vaccine called Menomune. Vaccinate your child. The incidence of a common form of meningitis was reduced by about 95 percent after children began receiving the Hib (Haemophilus influenza type b) vaccine in 1985.
Avoid kissing strangers and inhaling secondhand smoke.