Medical Symptoms of a Brain Tumor
Note any changes in the frequency, severity or intensity and timing of headaches.
Stomach Issues
Many people will experience nausea, upset stomach and vomiting, yet it won't be in relation to anything they ate or drank.
Visual Impairment
Depending on the location of the tumor in the brain, a person may also experience a disruption in eyesight. This symptom can present itself in a number of different ways, including doubled or blurred vision as well as a complete loss of sight to a portion of the field of vision.
Cognitive Changes
A person could experience a change in temperament, personality or cognitive ability when the tumor is located in a certain area of the brain. It may also cause some confusion, odd behaviors or even memory loss.
Speech Problems
Some people may begin to notice a change in their capacity to speak. They may have a difficult time forming words or keeping their speech from garbling.
Auditory Problems
A brain tumor may also elicit a symptom that involves hearing, and there may be a reduction to a complete loss of hearing.