Is There Financial Assistance for Brain Tumor Surgery for a Child?
Medicaid is a state-administered program available in all states that covers medical expenses for qualified recipients. Recipients must meet certain income guidelines, which vary from state to state.
Children's Health Insurance Program
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides medical coverage for brain surgery and other health needs for uninsured children from low-incomes families if the family's income is too high to qualify for Medicaid. CHIP is funded at both the state and federal level and is available in all 50 states.
Supplemental Security Income
Social Security provides monthly payments in the form of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to children that are disabled and meet certain income guidelines. A child with a brain tumor may qualify. This money may be used to help finance brain tumor surgery. Children that qualify for SSI usually qualify for Medicaid as well.
Cancer-Related Organizations
A number of cancer-related organizations provide financial assistance to children that need brain surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. Such organizations include Cancer Fund of America, Kelly Ann Dolan Memorial Fund, National Children's Cancer Society and United Health Care Children's Fund.
Finding Assistance
If a child needs brain tumor surgery, he should be receiving medical care through a hospital. Most hospitals have social workers on staff that can assist families in locating sources of financial assistance.