Focal Brain Tumor Symptoms
A focal brain tumor symptom refers to a symptom caused by the brain tumor as a result of its specific location within the brain. Depending on where the tumor is, there will be different focal brain tumor symptoms.-
Focal Symptoms
Focal symptoms include muscle twitches or leg jerks in a single arm or leg, problems with speech or walking, numbness or tingling, double vision, ringing or buzzing sounds and abnormal tastes and smells.
Brain Stem
Tumors in the brain stem can cause vomiting, loss of coordination, muscle weakness in one side of the face, difficulty swallowing and headaches.
A tumor in the cerebellum can cause a loss of intricate muscle coordination, slurred speech and difficulty walking.
Frontal Lobe
Frontal lobe tumors can cause short-term memory loss, seizures, one-sided paralysis, impaired judgment and personality changes.
Corpus Callosum
Tumors in the corpus callosum can result in impaired judgment, defective memory and behavioral or personality changes.