Ways to Prevent Brain Cancer
Family History
Examine the health history of all of your close relatives such as parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, etc. Find out how many, if any, have or had cancer. If cancer is a prominent concern, then consult with your doctor for advice on prevention. If anyone in your family died from complications of the brain, getting a brain scan at least two times a year would be a sound method of prevention.
Exposure To Chemicals
It is important to know if you have been exposed to radiation or certain chemicals that may increase your risk of brain cancer. Exposure to any of the following may increase the chance of brain cancer:
Radiation--Those who work in the nuclear industry are susceptible to brain cancer.
Formaldehyde--Embalmers and pathologists are exposed to this chemical the most and are at risk.
Vinyl Chloride--This is a problem for workers in the plastics-making industry.
Acrylontrile--This chemical increases the risk of brain cancer for those who make textiles.If you work or have worked in any of the aforementioned industries, you may want to schedule a brain cancer screening with your doctor.
Environment And Daily Life
There are certain activities in which we partake in everyday life that could affect our chances of getting brain cancer. In 1994, the National Cancer Institute began a four-year study of those who had brain tumors. They found a wide range of factors that may increase risk such as trauma to the head, use of hormones and use of hair dyes, among others. Another study found that the risk of childhood tumors decreased when pregnant moms took multi-vitamin supplements. Also, pregnant moms who ate cured meats such as bacon or hot dogs full of sodium nitrite, lowered the risk of pediatric brain tumors if they took Vitamin C, E and Iron supplements.
There is no definitive correlation between the use of cell phones and brain tumors yet, but there are plenty of studies being conducted to see if this may be the case. Prior studies from the mid 1980s to mid 1990s suggest there may be an increased risk due to the radiation that emanates from cell phones. Plus, cell phone usage has greatly increased since then, and phones used today are digital, which emit a higher frequency radiation. As of 2009, this is an ongoing investigation. Cancerpage.com suggests using a headset and limiting your cell phone use to lessen any possible risk.
Dietary Prevention
Consumption of garlic and Omega 3 fatty acids can aid in brain cancer prevention. Garlic contains anti-cancer molecules that stop cancerous growth. Using fresh garlic while cooking or sprinkling it on top of a meal is ideal, or you can buy garlic supplements at the local supermarket. Omega 3 fatty acids help boost the immune system and slow the growth of brain tumors. The best sources for this include mackerel, salmon, herring and trout. Omega 3 fatty acids also come from plant sources like ground flaxseed, walnuts and linseed oil.