Cell Tower Dangers
Dr. Peter French, principal scientific officer at the Centre for Immunology Research at St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney, reports that the radiation given off by cell phones and the towers lead to a continuous manufacturing of heat shock proteins within cells. Heat shock proteins are always present in low levels, but the over manufacturing of them from radiation increases their resistance to cancer. They are known to initiate cancer when they have been produced too often and for too long of a time.
Livestock Sickness
In Germany cows that were in close proximity of cell phone towers had a reduced amount of milk. Their behavior was abnormal and they had an increase in health problems.They were in the area of the towers for two years. According to Dr. W. Löscher of the Institute of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy of the Veterinary School of Hanover, when one of the cows were removed they were back to normal with in five days. Upon returning back to the area of the tower, its symptoms all returned. This is not proof that there are dangers, but it suggests further examination of the risks.
A study by Dr. Bruce Hocking in Australia examined a group of children living near three TV and FM broadcast towers. These give out the same amount of radiation as cell towers. He also examined another group of children that lived more than seven miles away from the towers. The children near the towers had more than twice the rate of leukemia than children living 7 miles and more away.
Vibroacoustic Disease
Biomedical engineer Maria Alvez-periera claims that cell phone tower radiation can lead to vibroacoustic disease for the people exposed to these towers. Exposure to a constant low frequency noise causes this disease with symptoms of joint pain, mood swings, indigestion and ulcers.
DNA Damage
The Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center reports that there is evidence of damage to DNA and cell tissue from the radiation of cell towers. Studies have shown that an alarming number of conditions can be linked to this radiation, even at low levels. Conditions such as cancer, brain tumors, Alzheimer's disease, depression, and numerous other serious illnesses can all linked to the radiation from cell towers, the center reported.