What Are the Causes of Flail Chest?
Car Accident
A car accident provides the sudden force and blunt trauma to a ribcage to detach at least three ribs, causing the condition known as flail chest. The experts at the Chest Diseases website say that the sudden pressure of a seat belt holding someone in their seat, or an impact with the dashboard of a vehicle, can break the ribs in at least two places, causing them to be fully detached from the ribcage.
Serious Fall
The experts at the University of Rochester Medical Center say that a serious fall, such as from the top of a ladder or roof, causes flail chest in many patients. This is especially true if the patient lands directly on their rib cage, or falls on concrete or other hard materials. The detached ribs damage or could puncture the lungs, making a hospital visit very important for anyone who suffers a serious fall.
Sports Injuries
Football players often assume that the worst sports injuries are torn knee ligaments or a neck injury, but a hard or flying tackle can result in a diagnosis of flail chest. The experts at the Better Health Channel explain that a hard tackle can provide enough blunt force to cause multiple breaks in the ribcage.
Flail chest caused by assault, such as being hit by a baseball bat in the ribcage, can be more severe and life-threatening say the experts at the Better Health Channel website. If the assailant hits the victim after the ribs have become detached, they could do more damage to the lungs or other organs. The heart is also at risk for damage while the ribs are detached.