How much time it will take to join bones of little finger which almost broken into two parts?
Here is a general timeline of the healing process for a fractured little finger:
Week 1:
- The bone fragments are stabilized with a splint or cast to immobilize the finger and prevent further damage.
- Swelling and pain are typically at their peak during the first week.
- You may be advised to keep your hand elevated and apply ice to reduce swelling and pain.
Weeks 2-3:
- The bone fragments begin to form a callus, which is a bridge of new bone tissue that starts to connect the broken ends.
- Swelling and pain gradually start to subside.
- You may be able to start gentle range-of-motion exercises to prevent stiffness.
Weeks 4-6:
- The callus continues to strengthen and the bone fragments become more stable.
- You may be able to gradually increase your activity level, but it is important to avoid putting too much stress on the healing finger.
- Your doctor may recommend physical therapy to help improve your finger's range of motion and strength.
It is important to follow your doctor's instructions and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing of your fractured little finger.
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