How do you know if broke your collar bone?
1. Pain:
- Severe pain at the site of the break, which is usually located at the front of the shoulder or upper chest.
2. Swelling:
- Noticeable swelling around the collarbone area due to underlying bleeding and inflammation.
3. Tenderness:
- Increased sensitivity and tenderness when touching or applying pressure to the affected area.
4. Deformity:
- A noticeable deformity in the shape of the collarbone, such as a bend or a bump, compared to the uninjured side.
5. Difficulty Moving:
- Limited range of motion in the shoulder and arm on the affected side due to pain and discomfort.
6. Bruising:
- Discoloration or bruising may appear over the collarbone area.
7. Arm Positioning:
- The affected arm may hang limply alongside the body due to the inability to support its weight.
8. Feeling of Instability:
- A sensation of instability or a grinding feeling in the shoulder joint when moving the arm.
9. Difficulty with Weight-Bearing:
- Pain and discomfort when attempting to bear weight on the affected arm or hand.
10. Crepitus:
- A grating or popping sensation may be felt or heard when moving the shoulder or pressing on the collarbone.
If you suspect you may have broken your collarbone, it's important to seek prompt medical attention. A doctor can properly assess your injury, including a physical examination, X-rays, and possibly other imaging tests, to confirm the diagnosis and provide appropriate treatment.