not sure if I broke or fractured my foot Is there a way that can tell without going to the doctors?
Swelling. Swelling may occur immediately after the injury or gradually worsen over a few days.
Pain. Pain is likely to be intense and continuous and usually worsens when you bear weight on the foot.
Bruising. You may have bruising that extends down your foot and to your toes.
Deformity. Your foot may look deformed or out of place.
Tenderness. The injured area may be tender to the touch.
Difficulty walking. It may be difficult or impossible to walk without pain.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible so that they can properly evaluate your foot and recommend the best course of treatment. Trying to diagnose and treat a broken or fractured foot on your own can lead to complications and prolonged recovery time.