How long does the Ponseti non-surgical treatment for club foot repair take?
1. Initial Casting: The treatment starts with a series of gentle manipulations and castings. This is done by a medical professional, usually a pediatric orthopedic specialist, to gradually correct the foot position. The initial cast is applied for about 7-10 days.
2. Serial Casting: After the initial casting, the baby will undergo a series of weekly or bi-weekly cast changes. Each cast helps to further correct the foot's position and gradually bring it closer to the normal anatomical position. This phase typically lasts for 5 to 6 weeks.
3. Achilles Tenotomy: In some cases, if the Achilles tendon is too tight, a minor surgical procedure called an Achilles tenotomy may be necessary. This is done to release the tension in the tendon and allow for better correction. It's usually performed when the foot is close to the desired position, around the 5th or 6th week of treatment.
4. Foot Abduction Brace (FAB): After the casting phase, the baby will transition to wearing a special foot abduction brace (FAB). The brace helps to maintain the corrected position of the feet and prevent relapse. The brace is worn full-time for 23 hours a day, except during bathing, for about 3 months.
5. Observation and Follow-up: Once the bracing phase is completed, the child will be monitored regularly to ensure that the correction is maintained and there are no complications. Follow-up appointments are usually scheduled every few months for the first year and then annually.
It's important to note that the specific timeline and treatment plan may vary depending on the severity of the clubfoot and the individual response to the treatment. Regular check-ups and communication with the healthcare team are crucial throughout the process to ensure successful correction.