How to Care for a Fractured or Sprained Arm
Assess the patient. Deal with any life threatening injuries first and summon help. If the patient has an open wound to his arm that is bleeding profusely, deal with this as a priority, by elevating the arm. Apply pressure to the wound with a clean, folded cloth. Otherwise, assess the arm, checking for bleeding, broken skin, distortion, discoloration or swelling.
Remove any rings or other jewelry. Raise the affected limb above the level of the heart -- as this will help to avoid swelling -- if the person has suffered a sprain.
Apply ice to the area, if the skin is intact. Put the ice in a plastic bag and wrap it in a clean towel. Apply this to a sprain for a maximum of 20 minutes. Repeat every 2 or 3 hours for a maximum of 48 hours.
Immobilize the limb, in the case of a suspected fracture. This will prevent further damage. Use a homemade sling or splint to isolate and support the area or the limb. Fasten the sling around the person's neck, taking care that is is not too tight, or restricting the blood circulation, in any way. Advise the person not to use the afflicted area.