Ways to Jam Your Pinky Finger
The dislocation or jamming of a pinky finger often occurs in the course of athletic activity. Players engaged in the rigors of contact sports such as football, hockey or competition wrestling often break or jam extremities due to the overexertion of joints and the prevalence of extensive physical contact.
Physical contact caused by an accidental slip or fall often results in broken bones and jammed extremities. Generally, most people who suffer an accidental slip or fall attempt to brace themselves by placing the hands towards the floor during the act of falling. Unfortunately, this attempt to prevent serious injury increases the likelihood of a jammed or broken finger in many cases.
Outdoor Work
Physical activity related to the performance of manual or physically challenging labor often results in broken bones and jammed fingers.To prevent this, the observation of safety precautions and the proper use of machines and equipment reduce the likelihood of a work-related hand injury.
Similar to the occurrence of physical maladies related to athletic endeavor, the completion exercise routines involving the use of weights and weight-bearing machines often produces physical injury with routine use. Generally, individuals involved in exercise-related activity should observe proper lifting techniques while ensuring that machines are loaded to prevent injuries to the muscles, joints and extremities of the human body.