How to Stop the Smell From a Spica Cast
The Spica cast is a full body cast that is used to keep the hips from moving. Often these casts must be worn for long periods of time to allow tendons and bones to heal properly. While in a Spica cast, it can be difficult to wash the skin beneath the casting material causing a foul odor. Luckily, there is a simple way to keep this smell under control.Things You'll Need
- Baking Soda
- Damp cloth
Wipe down dirty areas of the cast with a damp cloth to clean them. Keeping the Spica cast clean is important in preventing smells from starting.
Use a hair dryer on its cool setting to dry the damp areas. It is recommended that you do not use any heat from the hair dryer to avoid burning the skin underneath.
Rub a small amount of baking soda into the dirty areas of the cast to neutralize any foul odors.