How to Cast a Part in Fiberglass
Things You'll Need
- Stockinette
- Cast padding
- Warm water
- Fiberglass rolls
- Rubber gloves
Receive instructions from the attending physician. The doctor will instruct you on the exact positioning of the arm or leg before casting.
Apply a stockinette to the affected limb. A stockinette looks similar to a sock and protects the patient's skin from potential irritation from the fiberglass material.
Apply the cast padding. Cast padding is soft and cotton-based. It provides additional protection for the patient's skin. Apply the cast padding in a circular motion along the affected arm or leg. Apply two layers.
Put on your rubber gloves. Soak the fiberglass roll in warm water.
Apply the fiberglass to the affected arm or leg while it is still wet. Roll the fiberglass on in a circular motion. Smooth the fiberglass out with your hands to avoid creating any bumps in the cast.
Allow the cast to dry. Have the patient wait 10 to 15 minutes to ensure that the cast has completely dried and hardened.
Instruct the patient on cast care --- the patient should not get the cast wet or stick anything down the cast to scratch an itch.