Fitting Instructions for Crutches

If you ever experienced a broken leg or sprained ankle, then you know the importance of having your crutches fitted correctly. Crutches help you to walk when you are not able to put full or partial weight on one of your legs. Crutches tend to be difficult and exhausting to use, but having them fit properly alleviates the strain on your shoulders and triceps. Modern crutches are easy to adjust, with many models simply snapping into place once put in the proper place.

Things You'll Need

  • Crutches
  • Shoes
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    • 1

      Put the shoes, or shoe if you are only able to put weight on one foot, on that you wear the most while using the crutches. This helps to properly measure the height of the crutches.

    • 2

      Stand as straight as possible, with your abdominal muscles pulled in and your shoulders relaxed. Place the bottom tip of each crutch five centimeters to the side of both shoes, and 15 centimeters in front of your toes.

    • 3

      Measure two to three finger widths down from your underarm; this is where the top of the crutch should land.

    • 4

      Adjust the handgrip so that your elbow bends at a comfortable 20 to 30 degrees. Your elbows should never be locked out while using the crutches.

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