Fall Safety Precautions
Reducing An Elderly Person's Risk of Falling
Elderly individuals can take simple steps to avoid falling down. Older individuals should have heir hearing tested regularly to check for balance issues, as well as having their eyes checked on a regular basis to they can see where they are going. They should limit their alcohol consumption to retain both focus and balance. Wearing rubber-soled shoes will help keep them upright. If able, elderly people should also exercise often to keep up their strength and flexibility.
Making an Elderly Person's Home Safe
Every home has several obstacles people can fall over, but for elderly people they can create even more of a hazard. If you have rugs in your home, secure them with double-sided tape so they do not slip or move around. Install handlebars next to the toilet and bathtub/shower for easy access, along with handrails along all staircases. Keep each room significantly lighted.
Preventing Children From Falling Around The House
Never leave babies unattended on top of a bed or changing table because they could roll off. If a device such as a high chair comes with a strapping feature, use it. Install padding on all corners and window guards on all windows not on the first floor. Remove any furniture near windows on which children can climb.
Preventing Children's Falls on the Playground
Never leave children unsupervised on the playground. Keep children separated, with older children in one area and younger children in the other. For children under the age of five, keep playground equipment less than 4 feet tall. For children ages five to 12, playground equipment should not exceed 8 feet tall. Also, check to ensure the playground equipment used was specifically designed for playground use.