How to Heal a Broken Sternum
Things You'll Need
- Medical supervision
- X-rays
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Pain-relieving medication
- Comfrey herb poultice
Make a doctor's appointment immediately if a sternal fracture is suspected.
Have X-rays of the front and side of chest and other tests, such as electrocardiograms, taken following the doctor's assessment.
Take anti-inflammatory medication to reduce the pressure on the broken area of chest along with pain-relieving medication to reduce the stress caused by the pain associated with the fracture.
Stay immobilized for a minimum of two weeks, administering pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medication as needed or prescribed by the doctor.
Supplement the healing of sternal fracture with comfrey poultices applied to the sternum area daily while on bed rest. Comfrey herb is easily absorbed through the skin and promotes the growth of connective tissue, bone and cartilage because of its high allantoin content.
Monitor improvements and keep sternum area immobilized until at least 75 percent of healing process has occurred.
Take any additional treatments advised by your physician for more-severe sternal fractures. Bed rest and medications will also be a part of the healing process of a broken sternum if surgery or intubation are required.